Relationships 101-Relationship rules no one tells you
There are so many books out there on relationships. There are so many people out there that can say that they have the "magic" formula to help you obtain the love of your dreams. There are people out there that will actually "target" you to say that there is someone out there for you, but take your money in the process before you even meet that one person. The world is full of dating sites, speed dating, random hook up apps...all sorts of things...just to find a relationship. I'm here to tell you...YOU DON"T NEED ANY OF THAT! You don't need a random stranger to introduce you to another random stranger and charge you for it. You don't need to pay all sorts of dumb money to someone or to a site just to find your match. You don't need to buy every book you find on relationships just to find another bad one either. You honestly don't have to do any of that. You're absolutely wasting your time! So what I need you to do is take inventor...