Why You're STILL Single...and Deserve to be

So I just got "dissed" on social media. I feel some sort of way about it. Not really, but it gave me inspiration for this current post, so I just thought that I would dive right into it. Here is the question that was posted on my friends list on social media: "A lot of women are single because they aren't accepting of a man who makes less money than them and/ or their female friends don't approve of their occupation...."

I replied to this by saying "true story". Well the author of the status "liked" my answer, but didn't replay back to my comment.  They did however reply back to EVERYONE ELSE on that commented on the status. Normally I don't care and I just keep it moving. But my petty self wanted to see why I didn't get a reply back like everyone else. Well the reason why I didn't get a comment back is because everyone else who replied to the comment was Single. 

I really should take a picture of my face right now. I mean seriously?! I'm "single". I have to claim single on my taxes, I'm not married yet, but I'm engaged. But this is the first time that I have been "dissed" on social media because of my relationship status. LOL! 

Okay, back to the real topic at hand...

All the replies were from single men and women who are not in relationships. They openly admitted as this being a reason why they didn't want to be with certain people. Yet they didn't openly say that they were going to make a change to that. I honestly have to look at them and just shake my head. So you will complain about not having a good man or woman, but you won't give someone who has a minimum wage job a chance because of their job status? 

In my honest opinion..you need to stay by yourself then. I'm not being funny, I'm being completely honest. You don't need to be with ANYONE if you can't accept a person for who they are and what they do. In fact who are you to judge someone like that? A hard working man can have a job as a janitor. He can have his own home, pay his own bills, and actually give you the world. Treat you better than you have ever been treated by someone who has a job that makes 6 figures. But because he's got a job as a janitor, you won't give him the time of day? I honestly don't know what to say about that. 

We all love Jesus. Jesus the only begotten son of God, our Heavenly Father. Jesus was also trained as a carpenter by his earthly father Joseph. Now how often throughout the Bible do you hear about Jesus working? In fact he didn't work. He traveled from place to place teaching about the works of his Father. He would camp outside or stay with whomever would give him room and board.  He was what women nowadays would call "broke" and possibly "trifling". Why? Because he didn't have a job. 

Now don't think I'm being disrespectful to Jesus because I'm not. I'm clearly making a point. We love Jesus because of who he is and what he did for us. He sacrificed his life for us. He saved us. Men who don't have a high paying job shouldn't be penalized for what they don't have. Jesus didn't have a lot. Yet he was respected because he was the chosen King. He was recognized and respected. No-one was looking at what he couldn't do. He was recognized for what he COULD DO. A good man is hard to find, because you keep over-looking him. 

My boyfriend doesn't make 6 figures. In fact when I met him he wasn't working. He was in between jobs and was just trying to find anything. His lack of funds didn't stop me from wanting to pursue a relationship with him. What I saw in him was his POTENTIAL, not his wallet. I recognized just how well he treated me (and still treats me). If I need something, he finds a way to make sure that I have it. If I want something, he does his best to make sure I get it. I don't ask or expect  it, he just does it. A good man will do things like that. When you see the potential in a person, that will far outweigh what that person lacks. A person who lacks in areas always makes up for it in some other area. 

So my question is to the ladies, why do you feel that a man with a low wage job can't provide for you? I don't mean financially, I mean mentally, spiritually and physically. Just because he doesn't make a certain amount disqualifies him from doing the other things that you need? Something for you to think about.

You weren't expecting that....

***Lucas Cool and I are releasing our first book soon! Check out our site www.inspiringconnections.net for our latest blog post, podcasts and news!
****Check out our podcast "The Closer We Get" on the Spreaker Network and also on iTunes. 


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