Wives...Stop complaining about your job! Rants from a Single Parent
I'm referring to married women complaining about their husbands lack of help with HOUSEWORK.
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but if you are a WIFE....aren't you supposed to be doing that? Isn't that part of the duties that a wife is supposed to do? Cook...clean...raise children....wife duties for your husband...manage the home...etc etc?
Now I'm not married (yet) but I'm soon to be married. I'm confused by my married friends and family who are complaining about this. Reason being is that is...It's not hard! I mean seriously...you don't have to do all of the housework in one days time. You can spread it out. You can make a schedule and have things done according to the schedule. To me that sounds like a logical thing to do. Isn't it?
My fiancé calls me a Proverbs 31 woman. I used to wonder why he would call me that. At the time that we met, I was still learning my walk with Christ and also re-introducing myself to the Bible. I had to actually look up what a Proverbs 31 woman was. For those that don't know...a Proverbs 31 is what you would call "a Superwoman". Unlike the infamous song "I'm not your Superwoman". (Love the melody by the way) a Proverbs 31 woman literally does it all. " She girds herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task] and makes her arms strong and firm." -Proverbs 31:17.
Let me ask the wives a question here. Why are you getting upset about your husband's lack of help in the household? Meaning, why are you getting upset that he isn't helping you with your day to day chores? That's YOUR job. I say it like that because it's true. Your husband has a job outside the home and that's to provide for you. He's to go out and bring money home to help with your day to day expenses. That is HIS job. "Man goes out to his work and to his labor until the evening."-Psalm 104:23.
I know you're probably thinking...okay what about women who work and have a household to take care of? Well the same rules apply. The Proverbs 31 woman had a job outside the home as well. "She considers a new field before she buys or accepts it[expanding prudently and not courting or neglecting of her present duties by assuming other duties] with her savings [of time and strength] she plants fruitful vines in her vineyard."-Proverbs 31:16. In other words...a woman is capable of handling a job outside the home and handling the work inside her home too without the help of her husband.
I'm sure by now that a lot of women are hating me right now or upset about what I'm saying. I'm simply quoting what is written in the Bible. I'm also stating the obvious because when I hear that married women are COMPLAINING about the lack of help in their housework...it truly angers me. Why? Why would something like that anger me? Plain and simply put...I would trade places with them in a heart beat.
Why are you complaining about a job that you applied to? Think about it like this..you started dating which means you were "looking for a job". Your status of the girlfriend gave you the "applicant" status for the job of "wife". Your dating time was literally your "interview/testing" phase for the potential job of "wife.". When you got engaged, you were in essence chosen for the position and in "training" for the official role and title. When you got married, that was your certification and you received the title of "wife". In accepting that title..you have basically stated that you are fully capable of handling the said duties of "wife" which includes the following: cooking, cleaning, maintaining a household budget, bearing children, raising children, catering to the needs of your husband, being a mother...maintaining yourself...possibly having an outside job, and handling 99% of the duties alone when the husband is away from the home. Sound about right?
Being a Proverbs 31 woman is hard work. I'm not belittling the work because it's hard, it's frustrating, and it can really get to you after a while. I know this first hand because for the last 11 years of my life I have been a single parent. I have been raising my own two children in a single parent home. I have had to work and be mom and maintain a house...and do the work of both mom and dad. Sometimes depending on the job that I would have, I would be gone from home for almost 12 hours a day...then have to come home and cook..clean and help with homework. I didn't get an offer of help...I had to do it all on my own. Single moms can relate to this because it's a hard job. Being a single parent isn't a job that most parents apply for. We go into the process of wanting to actually apply for "wife" or "husband" but end up coming out with a totally different job than what we asked for or wanted. Unfortunately it's also a job that we can't give up either. The help that we do get is limited and sometimes comes with strings. I'm referring to state assistance to help fill in the financial gap that sometimes happens when there isn't another parent in the picture to help out. Child support helps, but as far as the physical part of just being there...nothing can supplement that.
With all that being said my point is to not complain. This is your job! You asked for it...you wanted it when you said "I do". Instead of complaining about it, make it work. You may not get promoted in this job, but you can get demoted. (I.E. cheated on, divorced etc.) If you don't want that, then don't complain about a job that you truly wanted and you got. The Most High blessed you with the ultimate position that any woman would truly want. I want that position! I look forward to being a wife one day. So ladies...do your job! Do it well! Be that Proverbs 31 woman that your husband married.
You weren't expecting that!
**Check out this blog post and many others on the website www.inspiringconnections.net.
***Lucas Cool and I host shows on the Spreaker Network called "The Closer We Get", "Hanging with Ms. Cooper, and The Cool Utopia." Also streaming on iTunes and Blog Talk Radio.
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