Open Letter to my ex's
I'm writing an open letter to all of my ex's. After much soul searching..I decided that I needed to unload somethings that I have literally carried from each of you to the next relationship. This cycle needs to stop, but in order for me to do that, I need to unload.
I want to say to each of you..the first boyfriend, my first broken heart, my first bad boy, the father of my children, to each one of you..I just have 2 words for you....THANK YOU!
Thank you for showing me what I needed to know in each relationship.
To my first boyfriend: Thank you for giving me my first relationship experience. You showed me what it was like to communicate with another person. You showed me what it was like to have my first fight, my first makeup. My first couple's holiday. My first meeting of families. Despite our short courtship, you showed me what I had only read about, and to you I will always be grateful for that. Ultimately you also showed me my very first breakup..
To my boyfriend who gave me my first broken heart: Our relationship was the whirlwind romance that I NEVER saw coming. Our first date was a classic that I only saw in movies and read about in books. You shared with me your love of poetry with a poem that you wrote for me...I still have it to this day. Our first kiss was one I still remember, one I still at times wish I could experience over again. But also with all these memorable were my first broken heart. The pain I felt with the unexpected breakup is one that I will always remember. It's a pain that I wish I could forget..but unfortunately..I never will.
To my first Bad Boy: You were my ultimate rebellion. You were completely opposite of what I normally would date, yet there was something about you that made me want to go after you. Our relationship I can safely say..was something to do..something carnal at times whenever we did get together. We were long distance, we were immature. We were a good look..but looks was all that it would eventually be. When we parted, there were no hard feelings, but there wasn't much to really look back on. I don't regret our time, because we still occasionally speak. We are now acquaintances.
To the father of my children: We met unexpectantly, we got together even quicker. All in the short span, we became connected for life due to our first born child. We became an instant family..and eventually added another child to the mix. Thru all of this we have had to learn about each other and build a relationship. It hasn't always been hasn't always been fun. Love is will always be there, but unfortunately it wasn't enough to keep us together. We will always be in each other's life..but we also will always have a bond we only share with each other.
To each of these know who you are in my know what you have contributed. Thank you for molding me into the person that I am today. Thank you for showing me the lessons that I needed to learn. Thank you for the life lessons I needed to see. Thank you for helping me become the woman I am today.
You weren't expecting That...
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